Cioccolato e Frutta - Nonna Rufina

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Chocolate and Fruit


Chocolate dresses good: coffee, oranges, nuts and raisins.

Already alone, chocolate is a pleasure for the palate and senses.
Imagine it with the sweet taste of tradition. Such as raisins, sprinkled liberally on a white bar of white chocolate. Or dried fruit and orange peels, spofondate in shiny slats of dark chocolate. And the blacks beans, lying on a finger scented milk chocolate. A riot of flavors that leaves no way. Kept in transparent packaging, because they are beautiful to look at as well as irresistible to taste.

Latte e Milly
Chocolate - Milk and Milly

Latte e Caffè
Chocolate - Milk and Coffee

Fondente Esotica
Dark Chocolate

Fondente e Arancia
Dark Chocolate and Orange
  • Tablet of 100 g.
Pack of 12 pieces

Available in the following flavors:

  • White and raisins
  • Dark chocolate and orange
  • dark exotic
  • Milk and milly
  • Milk and Coffee
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